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Thursday, July 19, 2018

“Pit bull” Bites Through Scientific Eyes

By Gaby Dufresne-Cyr, CBT/FLE

I normally don't write two articles in the same week, but this week is special. I decided to disregard my own rule and write a second piece. What follows is a huge summary of my very elaborate research file.

Seems people need to see graphs and data in order to believe what a columnist writes; therefore, I decided to give you an eye full and present some very interesting science behind the dog bite statistics the media and pro-kill people try to push down our throats.

I’m telling you, this information doesn’t come from a dog bite web site, nor does it come from newspaper columnists quoting or referring to other columnists as data. I won’t do that because we ALL know the media only writes about what sells papers.


Contrary to popular belief there’s quite a significant amount of research done on dog behaviour. I’ve mentioned a few in the past, but today I decided to go full out and waste half a day taking screen shots for you to look at. I might sound irritated, but don't get me wrong, I love going through papers; I'm just annoyed I have to knock some common sense into senseless people. What is obvious to the vast majority of us seems invisible to a few others.

I’m only providing you with this information so we, as a society, can make the right choices for the rest of us. So, before you write me hate mail or post foul language in the comment section, please know I’m a safety advocate. Anyone who actually knows me can attest to that, so keep in mind I’m not advocating pro-pitbull propaganda, I’m simply concerned with overall safety for both dogs and humans.

What the Research Says

I first met Dr. James Serpell in a conference at Guelph University in 1999 (might be 2000). He had newly designed the C-BARQ, a dog evaluation test made specifically for his clients.

A colleague and I saw the usefulness of this document and asked if we could use it. He was kind and gracious enough to say yes. Seventeen years later he has the largest data base known on dog behavioural characteristics grouped into thirteen categories. 
M. Serpell’s career revolves around understanding dog behaviour and scientifically prove, or disprove, if certain breeds are more likely to bite than others, and if so, why. His conclusion, most bites are occasioned by dogs less than twenty pounds. I'm repeating myself here, I know, but it seems necessary to do so over, and over, and over again. 

Scientist Duffy et al (2008) concluded their paper on dog bites with The substantial within-breed variation…suggests that it is inappropriate to make predictions about a given dog’s propensity for aggressive behavior based solely on its breed. 
Last year the American Veterinary Medical Association concluded Breed is a poor sole predictor of dog bites. Controlled studies reveal no increased risk for the group blamed most often for dog bites, ‘pit bull-type’ dogs. Even the Quebec Veterinary Order recommends dangerous dog laws instead of breed specific regulations. 

Media Perception

If I told you the sky is pink and showed you proof it is, you would have to believe me. But, we all know the sky isn’t pink. Well, I can tell you this picture wasn’t photoshopped because I took it. A friend of mine took a similar picture in a different part of Montreal. We are now two people with proof the sky is pink. 
Now imagine what would happen if our pictures went viral and reporters or columnists wrote about it? What would happen if all reporters referred to the same two pictures and kept telling you the sky is pink… I’ll tell you what would happen; the entire world would believe the sky is indeed pink. Now here’s what you don’t know. The sky was indeed pink on that day, but it only occurs when the conditions are favourable for pink skies to manifest themselves. Does it mean the sky is pink ALL the time? Of course not!
This is what's occurring with media. Columnists only report one side of the story and then quote or refer to each other as proof their claims are indeed real. I’m not here to tell you Staffordshire and Bull Terriers don’t bite. I’m here to tell you the sky isn’t pink; I’m here to tell you ALL dogs bite and to ban one breed is equivalent to saying the sky is always pink because I saw it once. We should all advocate dangerous dog laws and education because that is what will ultimately save lives.

On a last note, the following table was taken from the AVMA paper and clearly shows the breed responsible for serious dog bites in 2015 was the German Shepherd, and dogs under 20 lbs. Get it...?!


- American Veterinary Medical Association (2015). The Role of Breed in Dog Bite Risk and Prevention. 

- Maksymowicz, K., Janeczek, A., Szotek, S., Qukomski, R. and Dawidowicz, J. (2015). Dog bites in humans in a large urban agglomeration in the southwest of Poland, an analysis of forensic medical records. Journal of Veterinary Behavior.

- Serpell, J.A. and Duffy, D.L. (2014). Dog Breeds and Their Behavior. A. Horowitz (ed.), Domestic Dog Cognition and Behavior, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-53994-7_2,


More to come.....

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Pit Bulls "What You Would Destroy?"

Posted Sunday, December 13, 2015, at 11:52 AM
Baby Emma & her remarkable ears.
Part 1: Emma

The past couple of weeks have been one of showing just how nasty the Haters of the American Pit Bull Terrier can be and they have demonstrated they have no qualms about killing every representative of the breed including the "pit bull types". (Doesn't matter if they do not have even a drop of Pit Bull blood, they have large heads, close coats and are muscular)

This week I begin a new series in the hopes of showing why I am not going to back down and just what this fight means to me personally. You see I am not a representative of any group, I am not dependent on the good will of anyone but the collateral damage the Haters, including the animal rights groups who fit so well under the same heading, are out to destroy live right under my roof.

Since 1979 I have had some remarkable dogs. I could share weeks of tales show casing a diversity of personalities and abilities which would astound you. In this case I am only going to focus on my three current dogs. I do not expect to change the minds of those incapable of forming their own thoughts.

Experience has taught me those who insist on having their positions fed to them rarely wake up and become free thinkers. We all know those who allow themselves to be programmed and who never waiver until the next position is issued. This is merely a series to share part of my motivation. The sheep are nothing but blind followers and will never understand unless their handler tells them something new.

Emma, a.k.a. Queen of the Universe, came to me from a seizure in the south part of Cape Girardeau in 2008. She was sick, neglected and had little to look forward other than becoming another death statistic. She spent the first two weeks of freedom at a local veterinary clinic. We met when I came into the rescuing shelter to do an evaluation on another dog. While I was hunkered down with the dog across the run, I began to "feel the eyes upon me". When I turned I got my first glimpse of "her highness" sitting very primly, wagging her tail and letting me know her bags were packed and she was ready to go...with me.

The first thing you notice when meeting Emma is she is a very pretty girl. She is obviously female because she is prissy and she carries herself with confidence bordering on snobbishness. Then you notice her ears. When she was a puppy I assumed she would grow into them. I swear they were the same size then as they are now.

Her ears were so big a friend of mine actually offered to pay to have them cropped. Being one who leaves the Terrier ears natural that was not an option and since she seemed quite proud of them, they remained intact. They are still to this day a noticeable feature on an otherwise over the top feminine dog.

The assumption she would be leaving the shelter with me was well founded. One dog went to rescue one dog went to her forever home. In the case of Emma, she rolled in and immediately began issuing orders to the resident male, my last show dog Ricky. He was a go with the flow kind of guy so following her rules was simple especially when someone the size of a small rat with Dumbo ears explained it in such graphic terms. Our journey together began and I can honestly say it has never been boring.

Those who have known Emma since her seizure days are quick to point out no one else could have lived with her but me. For some reason they think our personalities are the same. I do point out here for the record I have never been prissy a day in my life.

This is a dog that thrives on showing off. After her first obedience class she had to be carried to the car because she did not feel class should be over. She was six months old; this set the tone of all things to come. She presents beautifully because anything less would be unthinkable for royalty.

She does not believe in getting dirty except in the case of spending time with the horse which dictates one must have at least a little smelly green goo behind ear huge ear. Rain is not to be tolerated. She considers it my duty to insure weather, hot, cold or wet, is always optimal for her comfort. She takes it personally when I cannot address the matter immediately.

This is also a dog who loves to be outside. Her trips to the river whether by kayak or motor boat are gratifying and she is an exceptional boater, except for the getting wet thing. In her mind you should always insure she can disembark without getting her feet wet. She will wade into water up to her ankles but not further. In the matter of chasing sticks and retrieving, she lets the rabble swim out to get them then she takes them away to return to the thrower.

One of her most amazing qualities is the ability to dig a hole large enough to bury livestock in record time. When she has sand to dig in, it is not unthinkable you could have a straight shot to China as the old adage goes. Apparently sand and dirt under her nails does not fall into the category of getting dirty.

Emma is also one of the most amazing teachers of the refugee dogs who have come through our door over the past several years. She is always the one I must consider first when taking on fosters. Knowing your dog and careful consideration of the dog coming in is key. I have stated multiple times I never set my dogs up to fail.

 Emma's sense of pack order is exceptional. She has accepted numerous dogs over the years and all have left knowing pack manners. She does not have to be nasty or ugly about it, she simply knows how things should be and that is how they are. It also helps to be able to roll your entire face up to show an impressive set of teeth.

 She never makes a sound and she has never gone off on a dog. The only one to have different ideas of how things should run was Mavis the Jack Russell who also considered herself royalty. After dislodging her from Emma's shoulder we all agreed Mavis did not take up that much room and she could also rule as royalty during her stay.

In the matter of Emma not making any sound, she is true to her breed in the fact that she is not vocal. In all the years we have been together I have maybe heard her bark a dozen times. This can be attested to by those who have spent time with her on the Schutzhund and tracking field. She will not alert to save her life. She also does not bark at the door. If you watch her it is a bit like she is pointing to let you know something is up.

This non-vocalization holds true except in the case of her appearance as Sandy in the university production of Annie.

My original plan when I contracted with them to provide the dog was one of the Puppies for Parole graduates. He was visually perfect but sadly he did not have the temperament to stand up to the rigors of the theater. He did a full melt down on me with two rehearsals left to go. I had to provide a dog and the only one I had to fill the role on such short notice was Emma.

The original plan was to dye her brown to at least have some resemblance to the description of Sandy. The first rehearsal when she rolled out under the lights, that idea was scrapped. She was breathtaking.

It was decided theatrical license would be exercised and my white patch female Pit Bull would take the role in her natural state. Yes even the cast chuckled over the line when the officer asks Annie what her dog's name is because when she answers Sandy the following line is "oh I can see that because of the color". Theatrical license also dictated the line would not be changed.

Back to the non-vocal point of this tale; Emma, my beautiful girl who rarely makes a sound decided during the Friday evening production, which was the president's fund raiser with every dignitary in the university present, sat down beside Annie and turned the song Tomorrow into a duet. She did this with every ounce of class and dignity she possessed.

There was not a doggone thing I could do about it but let her sing. At the end of the production the walk on part of the judge who granted Annie's adoption was held by my State Senator Wayne Wallingford. He left the stage while I was standing back stage to send Emma in for her final appearance and was laughing because he just knew she must belong to me.

One aspect of Emma's theatrical career was her final scene when she was presented to Annie by Daddy Warbucks. The costumer came in during the first rehearsal and asked if she would tolerate having a giant red bow tied to her? Mind, the prissy little diva lives to wear bling.

Her only problem with the bow was she could not keep it. She had to appear at the end of the final production which was a matinee without the bow during her photo op which lasted more than an hour.

Those who have attacked me as not being an animal lover or having any care of the dangers presented by a breed they have had limited exposure to will not understand the import of what I am trying to share in regards to the oldest member of my present pack.

This is a dog who possesses the poise and confidence to appear in front of four sold out houses, who can sit for more than an hour having her picture taken with individuals ranging in age from small children to senior citizens, who can accept refugees coming into her territory as just the way things are and who exhibits more class than most people.

This is what you would destroy without hesitation. This is what you would destroy all the while cloaking yourself behind your blind stupidity and hate.

This is the first of the reasons I will fight the devil himself which is what the Haters and the animal rights groups represent to me. You blind many with your hate mongering, death peddling ways. I pray you are once and for all driven from Missouri and find no quarter in any other state.

More to come.....

Foamertism = Bsl Advocacy......

The term Foamertisim combines “Foamer” & “Narcissism” stems from the Foamertalk community. 

This unique term was coined by some random word generator that used two words that described extreme BSL advocates.
Narcissism is defined as a “psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation lack of empathy , and im conscience deficits in self esteem.” When you describe one of the many possible mental disorders of a Hard core Foamer- Narcissism is usually one of the first one mentioned.

Foamertisim was coined to describe the classic Foamer who does not apologize for their stalking, harassing, verbal (sometimes physical) assaults or solicit real facts from any reputable source. Ever.
The reaction the majority of society has when encountering a Foamer is universal. A total shock & horror usually overcome the normal person. Disgust and the urge to acid wash their brains with the fear of Foamer contamination soon follow.

” I remember the day of my Foamer Attack. I still suffer from twitches at the thought of it. I made the mistake of liking a picture of a cute puppy on Facebook and the next think I knew my inbox was being bombarded by complete strangers telling me that I feed babies to pit bulls.” – Jackie Victim of a Foamer Attack

” I will be honest, I have a lot of anger towards Foamers. They took pictures of my children and pasted horrible things over them. I felt violated & when asked them to remove them they just laughed!” – Megan – Victim of a Foamer Attack.

“You do realize I have a Masters degree in information Science and I’m not going to research my so called facts to answer your questions. If you want me to show you the proof/studies that support my “facts” – I will need a 100$ retainer fee”- Renee ( a Foamer with degree that basically equates to a under paid librarian.)

“Rapists, serial killers, terrorist and pit bulls. Same thing! Make sure YOU ARE LEGALLY ARMED! POW POW!” – Irene “GET LEGALLY ARMED” Foamer.


“Look, I’m not a asshole or a pedophile. Sure, I made some sexual perverted comment to a 12 year old BUT who really knows if she was 12? She could’ve been 14. I don’t want to rip your dogs from your home and kill them, at least not personally. I just prefer to have other people do it. I don’t get why strangers just don’t let me harass them for owning a breed I hate. Why haven’t they apologized to ME? Why do they argue with ME when I tell them that everything that is wrong is their fault? I just feel picked on.” – Jeff the Pity me Foamer.

“I made the mistake of actually having experience with multiple breeds of dogs and am considered a professional. I was suddenly attacked because I mentioned that yes, genetics can play a role with aggression and problems with dogs but also Environment. Their attack was brutal. Yes- I was mauled by Foamers.- Nancy – victim of a Foamer Attack.

Until you understand that Foamers really don’t care about you, the community and they definitely hate your dog- you will never understand the Foamer problem. They kind of are like cockroaches in a run down apartment hoarded with spoiled food. With one click of a key on a keyboard they scatter around social media stalking people. Race, age, gender- they are not picky. As long as you have a sane thought they will always be lurking after you.

But fear not- unlike the cockroach (who are far higher on the likeable chart than foamers.)- Foamers can be dealt with and with the proper tools & a sense of humor they will choke on their own hate and implode. 

It happens daily so just kick back and watch the fireworks.

More to come.....

Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Anti Pit Bull Lobby......

The Anti pit bull lobby is very real and active, they spend hundreds of hours each month attacking pit bulls & their owners with the sole intention of causing the deaths of millions of pit bulls to the point of extinction. 

No other breed needs to have a lobby (if it actually even exists), what breeds does Bsl target? not German Shepherds, not Rottweiler’s, not Dobermans, not any other breeds or types. 

That's why there are the fair minded compassionate people not lobbyists working so hard to change the image of pit bulls & contrary to what the Bsl lobbyists say many don't even own pit bulls.....

With all its trouble raising money, the Bsl lobby finances are non existent they rely on fundraising which generally struggles they have one dodgy lawyer and he harasses elected officials. 

And if the Bsl lobby doesn’t get what it wants, it threatens to finance the campaign of their political opponents!” (which is a hollow threat given their lack of funds).

Here is just a snapshot of reports on the Bsl lobbies activities. 

Dana Johnson Strunk & Breed Safety Laws Action Team

To give you an idea of Dana's deception......

This is her Facebook profile picture.....

This image was screenshot from the video she post "live" from the Aldermanic meeting.....

At the Aldermanic meeting in Springfield she was the sole anti pit bull activist that attended (she lives in Illinois) she played the 911 call from the tragedy involving Daxton Borchardt but she failed to mention.....

The whole time the crazy babysitter was screaming maniacally at the 911 operator little 14 month old Daxton was in a different room laying naked mortally injured in a pool of his own blood on a cold hardwood floor (2 foot of snow outside) where the first responder found him & please note the babysitter was still on the phone when the first responder arrived on the scene & refused to end the call instead when asked "where's the victim" she motioned the officer to the other room......

The victim had been left alone on the floor after allegedly being attacked in the back yard in spite of the father forbidding the babysitter taking his child anywhere near her dogs who were penned in the yard. (2 feet of snow)

Now Dana uses this poor infants death to support Springfield keeping it's pit bull ban there's only one major problem, the dogs allegedly involved were actually Boxer X's according to their 3 years of vet records contained in the Coroners report so Djs mislead the Alderman.....

The Bsl lobby is waging a hate campaign based on fear, sometimes referred to as shockvertising, have become increasingly popular in recent years. Fear is a strong emotion and it can be manipulated to steer people into making emotional rather than reasoned choices. 

From car commercials that imply that having fewer airbags will cause your family harm, to disinfectant commercials that show bacteria lurking on every surface, fear-based advertising works.[

While using fear in ads has generated some negative reactions by the public, there is evidence to show that "shockvertising" is a highly effective persuasion technique, and over the last several years, the Bsl lobby have continued to increase their usage of fear in memes in what has been called a mind numbing sea of propaganda.

GoFundMe, Kickstarter and other mainstream crowdfunding firms have policies that prohibit hate speech or abuse, the latest example of technology firms making it harder for hate groups to organize online but it hasn't stopped the Bsl lobby.

Although it can be fairly straightforward for a legitimate nonprofit to obtain a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, it can be just as easy (if not easier) to lose this status. 

With regards to federal taxes, a nonprofit can keep its status as long as it follows the laws regarding the following areas:

  • Private benefits and inurements. In other words, a nonprofit’s activities cannot serve (more than insubstantially) the private interests of any individual or organization, as well as non profit insiders.

  • Lobbying. A nonprofit can lobby to a certain extent. Its lobbying activities cannot, however, be more than an insubstantial part of its overall activities.

  • Political activities. All 501(c)(3) organizations cannot participate in any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate running for public office.

  • Unrelated business income (UBI). A nonprofit can lose its tax-exempt status if it earns too much income generated from activities unrelated to the nonprofit’s exempt purpose.

  • Annual reporting requirements. Most 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations must submit certain annual reports. Not doing so can result in the loss of a nonprofit’s tax-exempt status.
  • Operating in its stated exempt purpose(s). If a nonprofit has deviated from its original purposes, it must inform the IRS or suffer a loss of its tax exemptions.

Although most people use the words interchangeably, there is a distinction between advocacy and lobbying that is helpful to understand. When nonprofit organizations advocate on their own behalf, they seek to affect some aspect of society, whether they appeal to individuals about their behavior, employers about their rules, or the government about its laws.

Lobbying refers specifically to advocacy efforts that attempt to influence legislation. This distinction is helpful to keep in mind because it means that laws limiting the lobbying done by nonprofit organizations do not govern other advocacy activities.

Bsl lobbyists have pioneered the massive disinformation campaign on social media set new lows stooping lower & engaging under handed gutter tactics, and the equally corrupt second rate media organizations are capitalizing using "pit bulls" as "click bait".

They deny everything we know about the link between genetics and canine behavior trumpeting the pit bull fighting heritage while denying the fact that handlers were in the same pit, they "were" bred to fight each other not humans.

They try to convince people there's a glaring over-representation of pit bulls in fatality statistics by mislabeling mixed breed mutts as pit bulls & attempting to annex other breeds too in a desperate attempt to justify Bsl.

They have gone blind and stupid and pretend breed identification is easy and can be done by individuals of average intelligence which dispelled by numerous studies involving experienced shelter staff.

They have no celebrity spokespeople showing supporting their campaign in fact not one animal or legal organization in the whole wide world actually supports Bsl.

And boy do they love to show off photos of victims pits but can never actually prove anything. It's pretty perverse, considering there's not one recorded human fatality involving a legitimate papered pit bull. 

Here’s the kicker: The Bsl lobby maintains that no other factors could be to blame for causing dog attacks other than breed in spite of the fact that more than 35 breeds/types of dogs have been involved in fatal attacks on humans.

With Bsl lobbyists, debating the science is pointless because when a dog mauls somebody to death, there is zero doubt about the dog being a pit bull in their minds regardless of what the canine looks like, why do we even need to argue about why dogs do what they do? 

Dogs bite, period. In America between 2005-2015 128 people died in attacks involving non pit bull type dogs, what more do we need to know?

Bsl activists use alarmism which basically is excessive or exaggerated alarm about a real or imagined threat, such as the increases in deaths from an infectious disease. 

In the news media, alarmism can be a form of yellow journalism where reports sensationalise a story to exaggerate small risks

An excerpt from the article linked in her post she claims: 

"A bunch of pit bull propaganda with no studies cited."

"On August 7, Springfield voters will determine the fate of the “pit bull” ban, passed by City Council last year. Because of a successful referendum petition, City Council was put in a position to either reverse their original decision or put the issue to a public vote.  They decided 5-4 to uphold the ban, thereby sending the issue to the ballot.
A recent Opinion piece by a self-proclaimed national advocate revealed a very flawed argument in favor of “pit bull” bans, the most restrictive of all breed-specific legislation (BSL). The opinion relied on research findings, which have been widely criticized as unreliable.
More to the point are the findings of the most comprehensive multifactorial study of dog bite-related fatalities. (see Patronek, G.J. et al, (2013) Co-occurrence of potentially preventable factors in 256 dog bite-related fatalities in the United States (2000-2009), Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 243(12), 1726-1736). These researchers identified a number of controllable factors, responsible for DBRF (dog bite-related fatalities) with significant co-occurrence of multiple factors. The authors reported that the breed(s) of the dogs could not be reliably identified in over 80 percent of the cases, concluding “Most DBRFs were characterized by coincident, preventable factors; breed was not one of these. Study results supported previous recommendations for multifactorial approaches, instead of single-factor solutions such as breed-specific legislation, for dog bite prevention.” (Ibid)
Organizations that do NOT endorse Breed Specific Legislation include the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the National Canine Research Council, the Humane Society of the United States, American Bar Association, American Veterinary Medical Association, American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior, Best Friends Animal Society, the Association of Professional Dog Trainers and the American Kennel Club.
It is widely accepted by these organizations and others, and confirmed by science and research, that breed-specific laws, while aimed at public safety, fail miserably in that regard. The common sense and less costly approach encompasses accessible, affordable spay/neuter programs; breed-neutral laws aimed at responsible pet ownership (such as licensing/registration); education programs directed at dog owners, and the public at large; and enforcement of dangerous dog/reckless owner laws, and animal abuse and fighting laws."
Vote No on Question One. Springfield can do better.
Kathleen Larkin, Springfield

A Guide for Nonprofit Organizations - Squarespace

Colleen Lynn & dogsbite

Colleen Lynn is not a canine expert she owns a media organization which seems to be hosting (for a fee) all the Bsl lobby's websites.

Colleen lied about being mauled, she was bitten once.....

Colleen Lynn - Seattle Animal Control Records - Pit Bulletin Legal News

DOGSBITE.ORG website is not run by an “expert” in the field of canine behavior. It is run by a woman with a grudge. Her name is Colleen Lynn and she was the victim of a dog bite in 2007. Because of this incident that involved one individual dog she has decided to enact revenge on ALL pit bull type dogs.
Colleen Lynn blatantly lies on her website when she claims that pit bulls lead dog bite fatalities. She gathers all of her information from media reports, no questions asked. Clearly she doesn’t ask questions because most of what is reported in the media surrounding pit bulls and “attacks” is incorrect and has been repeatedly proven to be untrue.
Many question the truthfulness of Colleen’s account of what happened to her in June of 2007. Her story has changed multiple times. Pit Bulletin Legal News thoroughly investigated the incident and published these never before seen documents. 
It is clear to myself and many others “that Ms. Lynn never published the Seattle Animal Control records regarding the investigation because the story she is now telling bears very little resemblance to what actually happened, and are in total conflict with the only other witness involved: the dogwalker.”
While Colleen’s blatant disregard for the truth on her website is not a surprise and not unexpected, it is important for all of us to have the correct information easily available. Thankfully there is the National Canine Research Council whose dedicated staff comb through the details of every dog bite related fatality.
I encourage everyone to spend time carefully reading the invaluable information on NCR’s website including the 2010 Dog Bite Fatalities NCR and 2011 Preliminary Dog Bite Fatalities Report

The screenshots speak for themselves....

The only person Colleen has helped is herself.....

She's a scammer a sharloten.....

She's earning a living off the deaths of hundreds of thousands of pit bulls.....

Bsl advocates seem willing to ignore the 128 or more deaths involving non pit bull type dogs between 2005 - 2015 & will undoubtedly accept another 128 in the coming decade in order to cause the extinction of pit bulls.

It's illegal to publish people's "personal contact details" under this circumstance and it seems extremely strange that's a victim advocacy would make such threats.....

Dogsbite is "not intended to replace or substitute for any professional advice", well that pretty much rules them out as a credible source then?

The lobby relies heavily on fear mongering & disinformation all delivered via emotive memes....

The one victim focused initiative they have and the victims have to buy their own rocks, dogsbite spends zero dollars on dog bite victims.....

The screenshots speak for themselves......

Deceit & deception are cornerstones of their so called victims advocacy......

Misrepresenting facts using victims dogsbite is a cesspool of propaganda & disinformation .....

Blatant & outright lies & deception all in the best interests of the community apparently.....

Dogsbite is not a credible source for anything other than propaganda.....

This post shows Dana claiming an 130 lb mixed breed dog was a pit bull and ignoring the fact there was a bitch in heat present at the time of the attack, Bsl advocates do not have permission to use the child's image. (Rip Mia)......

Dogsbite = SCAM......

In spite of their persistent subterfuge some authorities & media organizations still quote them.....

They're either below average intelligence or intentionally lying?

 If you oppose or expose them they'll stalk you steal your pictures & use them in memes to try shut you up.....

debunking dogsbite

About 11,600 results (0.45 seconds) 

The first 10 results.....


Merrit Clifton & Animals 24/7

Merrit's moral compass seems to be questionable ......

Merritt Clifton – US Trustee/Secretary – started Romania League in Defense of Animals to support Dana Costin, fueled by his dreams and fantasies of him and Dana.
Merritt Clifton, now former editor of the influential Animal People Newspaper (fired from this position), and self-proclaimed “Watch Dog” of international animal charities, first met Dana Costin in 2004. In 2005 Merritt and Dana had a secret rendezvous at the beach in Southern California during a CHAMPS conference whilst Dana’s partner Rolando was in the hotel room suffering from a terminal illness.
Shortly thereafter Merritt and his wife divorced . Email evidence provides information that Merritt’s relationship with Dana Costin was the instigator for the ending of Clifton’s 15 year marriage.
In 2006, Merritt Clifton started the charity Romania League in Defense of Animals for Dana Costin as a 501(c)(3) charity in the USA, being fully aware of the lack of accountability of ROLDA to Romania Animal Rescue.
Merritt withheld receipts from Romania Animal Rescue for funds that were to be submitted to them for ROLDA in early 2006. Merritt has inappropriately used his position at Animal People Newspaper to solicit donors for ROLDA, such as Nanette, a $20,000+ donor solicited by Clifton for Costin, and also used his “position of authority” at international conferences to promote ROLDA and Dana Costin.
Merritt’s assessment of the 2 ROLDA shelters in 2009 is not credible, as he has a conflict of interest as the ROLDA Trustee.  Was Merritt aware that the Large Shelter is fully funded by ArcelorMittal, the multi-billion dollar steel company……
Merritt using Animal People contacts to benefit Dana  A direct conflict of interest. Animal People statement: “ANIMAL PEOPLE is the leading independent newspaper providing original investigative coverage of animal protection worldwide,founded in 1992. Our readership of 30,000-plus includes the
decision-makers at more than 10,000 animal protection organizations.We have no alignment or affiliation with any other entity.”
Merritt Clifton, reporter for Animal People, no longer writes for Animal People news source.  He was apparently fired from this position in early 2014.   He is now writing articles in Animals24-7.
Merrits articles include The Dogs of Hope, where he praises “the ROLDA shelter was a safe, happy place…”; and Help Labus, Save The Dogs, & ROLDA demonstrate progress for Romanian animals in different ways, besides reporting that dogs choose to stay in the shelters instead of returning on their own volition to the streets, he admits to fantasizing about being a dog in the care of ROLDA.
Animals 24/7

Micheal Vick inflicted appalling abuse on his dogs and you can see Merritt's take on it......

Merrit supports Cops shooting pets.....

debunking merrit clifton

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Merrit Clifton Debunked

Merrit reported an article exposing his unreliable inaccurate statistics to the Canadian Ombudsman, CBC/Radio-Canada French Services....


"Bouchra Ouatik’s story Pitbulls : des données non scientifiques fréquemment citées par les médias, published September 9, 2016, on the ICI website, was compliant with CBC/Radio-Canada’s Journalistic Standards and Practices. 

Although the wording of her lead paragraph, in referring to “dog bites” rather than “severe dog attacks,” may have been somewhat misleading with regard to the data gathered by the complainant and his Animals 24-7 website, this does not appear to me to result from a deliberate desire to twist the truth, because the ensuing paragraphs employ the wording used by the complainant himself: “attaques causant des blessures graves,” “attaques ayant mutilé ou défiguré la victime” and “attaques ayant causé la mort” [“attacks doing bodily harm,” “permanent disfigurement or loss of a limb,” “fatal attacks”]. 12 

I would add, if there were any need to prove absence of bad faith on the part of the journalist, that the quantity of studies and research that she amassed for her series of reports on pit bulls appears to me to be quite exceptional. She went so far as to search databases of North American newspapers for the numbers of deaths attributable to two dog breeds other than pit bulls, i.e., German Shepherds and Malamutes, since 1982. 

In theory, since she used the same source as Animals 24-7, she should have arrived at the same results. Yet she discovered twice as many deaths attributable to German Shepherds and four times as many attributable to Malamutes than what Animals 24-7 had logged. Although Ms. Ouatik made no mention of that undertaking in her article, in my opinion, that additional fact checking is evidence of unusual diligence in seeking the truth, as opposed to a desire to twist the reality for argument’s sake. 

Guy Gendron French Services Ombudsman CBC/Radio-Canada November 22, 2016"

Jeff Borchardt & Daxtons Friends

"Leading the charge to have pit bull dogs bred into extinction".....

Media whore.....

Actually they were mutts.....

Source ..... Anti Breedism Alliance Resources

Public shaming......

Juvenile memes.....

Public safety advocate or animal abuser?

Ironically he calls pit bull owners domestic terrorists......

Disagree with Jeff & he'll try get you fired from your employment.....

He schools his followers on how to cyberbully pit bull owners with relative impugnity.....

He displays his hate for pit bulls at every juncture.....

Apparently losing his son in an attack involving Boxer mixes has made him a pit bull & dbrf expert.....

He blames everyone but the person actually responsible.....

Wishing brutal dog attacks on people is not victims advocacy.....

Threatening to kill dogs if they enter his yard.....

Jeff Borchardt is acting like a spoiled child.....

If you oppose Bsl or expose his lies you're likely to feature in his blog.....

And if you comment on his blog after he's posted about you he'll get your IP address & email which he'll publish too.....

He freely admits to being bias but still considers his testimony to be valid.....

Telling 12 year old girls to engage in bestiality......

He just goes on & on blaming everyone but himself....

Using victims......

MixMaster Bogart is Jeff Borchardt, threatening to feed his neighbors pet antifreeze if it looks like a pit bull.....

Abusing victims.....

Tutorials on "how to dispose of pit bulls"......

Claiming to be an expert while saying Bull Mastiffs are pit bulls....

He claims the babysitter was seriously injured trying unsuccessfully to protect his son, it's simply not true.....

The babysitter Sussi Iwicki......

The babysitter was not seriously injured in an alleged 15 minute attack, she was treated for minor injuries & released.....

Mia Johnson & National Pit Bull Victim Awareness

Speaks for itself.....

"Media Reports" are their only sources.....

More fear mongering there seems to be a clear pattern appearing?......


Fear based campaigning.....

Fear orientated & driven 100% propaganda .....

Barbara Kay

How to know you're a Pit Bull fanatic.

On Monday Barbara Kay said, which was then echoed by Colleen Lynn, that “if you can only love a Pit Bull, you don’t really love dogs.” Woosah! First off, that standalone statement is a complete misrepresentation of most people’s feelings. How many people do you know that love only Pit Bulls? What? For Heaven’s sake, “Pit Bulls,” as most people speak of them, are mostly dogs who’ve been mixed amongst many differing breeds. That alone negates the stupidity of such a statement. But breed identification aside, I literally do not know of a single person that has shown or stated Kay’s sentiment to be even remotely accurate. Let me repeat, I know not 1 person who would fit that characterization!
See, this is the backwardness of their arguments and the emptiness of their attempts at framing rhetoric. Pit Bull-owning people are just like any other dog owner, just as Pit Bulls and mixes are just dogs. Every single day this is proven in millions of instances, none of which garner any media attention. Pit Bull owners do not love only Pit Bulls. They do not dislike other dogs. Reality would show the opposite to be true, and almost entirely across the board. Of course, there will always be negative outliers to any positive observation, as a certain percentage of people will always exist from all walks of life. But with that, bad individuals, in any realm, do not serve to spoil the entire group of millions of categorized individuals. Further, Pit Bull owners are not fragmented persons from the rest of society. Those claims are total lies and misrepresentations meant to plant seeds of hostility and divide dog owners against themselves. Such inaccuracies are obviously what dog-haters like Colleen Lynn want uninvolved people to think, but these notions will routinely fall flat upon any type of examination.
Instead, it’s the cult of that’s built upon the premise of the “only.” They routinely only focus on begrudging the Pit Bull, filling their obsessive existences with vilifying the self-defined “only” factions of both the dog and people populations. It’s all prejudicially argumentative at its core, and that’s clear as day. These attempts being always based in trying to project upon society that Pit Bulls are not dogs and that Pit Bull owners do not care about any other dog or person. Both concepts are extremely false and 100% unproven at any level. Yet they will go back to these claims time and time again because using a broad brush to incite irrational fear is literally the only leg that they have to stand on.
In Barbara Kay’s latest article, referenced above, I counted a whopping 22 separate instances where she made a Pit Bull-specific claim that in actuality goes unsubstantiated. This is appalling and embarrassing and pathetic. But still not surprising, coming from a woman who in 2012 wrote that Pit Bull owners were purposely “fetishizing” dogs “bred for blood sport and savaging slaves.”
On the same day that Kay put out her latest anti-Pit Bull rant, Merritt Clifton put out a ludicrous piece entitled “Hitler’s Pit Bull.” Yes, you read that right.
This insane diatribe basically implies that since (more appropriately if) Hitler allegedly had a dog that Clifton calls a Pit Bull, then that must prove that Pit Bulls are universally evil… Um, okay guy! That’s the stupidest fucking thing that I’ve ever heard in my entire life. Impressively done.

"Barbara Kay, for instance, who writes for Canada’s National Post, does not use the language of trolls and demagogues, but is equally devoted to ignorance masquerading as science.

She is overawed by the bogus statistician introduced earlier ― she told me in an email that he is her “primary source”"

Source..... pit-bulls-bigotry-and-a-book

The Bsl lobby claim to be acting in the best interest of the community but the fact is there's not one expert among them.....

The Bsl lobby employs fearmongering or scaremongering spreading  frightening and exaggerated rumors of an impending danger & the tactic of purposely and needlessly arousing public fear about pit bulls.

This is disgraceful we live in AMERICA every day these people spread the false information to try and convince people the helpless Dogs with the nickname "Pit Bull" are aggressive and dangerous but they do not even understand the term "Pit Bull" is a nickname given to many breeds and mix breeds......

So to even begin to try and classify them as a single breed is 100% incorrect.....They go to politicians and state officials and try to get them to take away our rights with information that is not even true knowing these politicians and state officials don't know the truth and in many case's buy into this discrimination.

But all this truly does is take away your rights as a American citizen to make your own choices of what kind of Dogs you can have!!!! "We the people" Demand better we have the right to make our own decisions......... 

We will always fight for what is right!!!! If we truly "Want to make America great again" Then why don't we look at the number one thing that made America great in the first place......"FREEDOM" 

That was the principle America was founded on......That is the principle that has so many people wanting to come to America......If we lose FREEDOM then we are no longer America we become what our forefathers fight so hard to protect us from...... 

So please share this to all your friends lets stop this attack on our freedoms and end this once and for all.......

It is time we stand up and DEMAND the right for our FREEDOMS!!!!!!!!

More to come.....