Well I'll share a method I've found to not only to counter them & but actually expose them & here's how I do it......
In this example I've used the latest creation by anti pit bull activists.....
"Bsl Action Team".....
Created by.....
Dana Johnson Strunk, she's a member of several particularly nasty anti pit bull activist groups & her profile is littered with pro-Bsl spam & propaganda.....
There's a Facebook page urging people to write their local Council Alderman & sharing a gofundme to raise all the money to finance their hate campaign & create a non profit organization.....
Dana was the sole anti pit bull activist to attend a recent Aldermanic meeting where she told outright lies in support of the pit bull bans & she's escalated her efforts using social media particularly Facebook to encourage people spam their local council members with pro Bsl propaganda even furnishing followers with long winded propaganda laden "Form letters".....
Image courtesy of Dana from the video & as you can see her Fb profile picture must be from a while ago.....
Now you're probably thinking how do I counter this fanatics dangerous propaganda & hopefully I can give you a big tip to an effective way to expose their lies & disinformation.
So I went ahead & created my own Facebook page......
Breed Specific Legislation Action Team Exposed
Dana reacted by messaging the page complaining & threatening and then she changed the name of her page to....
Breed Safety Laws Action Team
So I went ahead & created a second page named.....
Breed Safety Laws Action Team Exposed
When creating the pages I simple went to her page where I copied the narrative from her posts individually pasting them to my pages I then edited the narrative replacing the words "keep" the ban to "ditch" the ban.
I replaced her "form letters" for form letters from the internet, there's a number of options for fellow anti Bsl advocates to use, Dana already had all the relevant contact details for Aldermen & Mayors so that saved me a lot of time.....
Now I've bought the domain name bslactionteam.org & created this blog so far I've spent $12, you don't need much money to expose hate.
So if you know of or have a nasty anti pit bull page promoting Bsl in your area using this technique should counter their influence.....
So it's relatively easy simply take the name of the hate page add "exposed or revealed" to the end, that way it appears right beside them in search engines & once created use their page to dictate your pages content by countering their propaganda with legitimate factual information.
You may well find they'll abandon their page if you do a good enough job but failing all else you'll be exposing their lies & disinformation, if you have any problems feel free to contact us as we're only too willing to help......
Our pages.....
More to come.....
How do I join ?
ReplyDeleteSimply contact one of our Facebook pages.....